Thanks to the commitment of its founder, Mrs Gertrude Hirzel, the Foundation provides support for projects focusing on children, their schooling, well-being, development, health, education, and living environment. It particularly focuses on actions in favour of girls. The Foundation also finances projects to combat Noma as well as those relating to hearing and visual impairments in children in developing countries.
Project requests must be submitted by organisations having a real representation in Switzerland, with registered articles of association and a bank account. The projects must be located outside Switzerland and correspond to documented needs. Responses to these requirements must be clearly articulated.
The Hirzel Foundation has a clear preference for medium-sized projects, conducted in a way that respects local needs and customs.
The Foundation pays particular attention to the sustainability of the project. Its long-term viability must be carefully thought out and ensured beyond the Foundation’s and other donors’ intervention, in order to empower local actors.

Mrs Gertrude Hirzel passed away peacefully on the morning of Monday 20 May 2019. She leaves behind the memory of an endearing, generous, and passionate woman, especially when it came to the plight of her most vulnerable fellow human beings.