
The Foundation consists of a Foundation Board, which represents and manages the Foundation, and an Advisory Committee, which examines and submits proposals for projects to be supported to the Foundation Board.

Composition of the Foundation Board

Catherine Ming


Lawyer at the Geneva Bar,
médiatrice FSA

Guillaume Fatio


Lawyer at the Geneva Bar

Tatiana Tence

Member of the Board

Lawyer at the Geneva Bar

Composition of the Advisory Committee

Isabelle Barras


Former head of delegation of the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)

Hervé Le Guillouzic

Member of the Committee

Medical Doctor, former head of health services of the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)

Nadine Piatkowski

Member of the Committee

Nurse, active in numerous humanitarian missions

Eric Drouart

Member of the Committee

Engineer, active in many humanitarian missions
